Edge Intelligence Summit
Friday, September 1st, 2023, 9 AM-6 PM
San Francisco, CA
Exploring Uncharted Frontier
We are thrilled to announce the inaugural Edge Intelligence Summit, coming to the U.S. this fall 2023. The Edge Intelligence Summit is the first major conference dedicated to the potential of AI at the edge and the progress of new web primitives. This year’s Inaugural Summit has two chapters, with one focus on foundation and the other on generation.

Hear from the brilliant minds behind efficient architectures on scaling edge AI, especially in light of the recent computing shortage.
Lukasz Kaiser (@lukaszkaiser)
Transformer Co-Inventor, Tensorflow Co-author, OpenAI
Sergey Edunov (@edunov)
Llama2 Co-author, Director of Engineering, Meta
Konstantine Buhler (@KostaBuhler)
Partner, Sequoia
Michele Catasta (@pirroh)
VP of AI at Replit, Ex-Head of Applied Research at Google X
Yi Sun (@theyisun)
Co-Founder, Axiom, Assistant Professor at University of Chicago
Gerald Friedland
Principal Scientist at AWS, Adjunct Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley
Chris McCann (@mccannatron)
General Partner, Race Capital

Harrison Chase (@hwchase17)
Founder, Langchain
Raymond Liao
Managing Partner, Samsung NEXT
Ryan Cunningham (@ryboticc)
Senior Associate Builder, AI Fund
Evan Miyazono (@emiyazono)
Head of Research, Protocol Lab
Aleksei Petrenko (@petrenko_ai)
Reinforcement Learning Research Scientist, Apple

Bowen Wang (@Bowenwang18)
Head of Protocol, Pagoda

Maksym Zavershynskyi (@mzavershynskyi)
VP of Engineering, Near

Avichal Garg (@avichal)
Managing Partner, Electric Capital
Simon Suo (@disiok)
Cofounder & CTO, LlamaIndex
Chaoyang He(@chaoyanghe)
Cofounder & CTO, FedML

Max Webster (@MaxAWebster)
Founder, Hivemind Venture

Rob Reid (@Rob_Reid)
New York Times Bestselling Sci-fi Author, Council of Foreign Relations
Joscha Bach (@Plinz)
AI Researcher & Cognitive Scientist
Date: Sep 1st, 2023
Time: 9 am - 6 pm
Location: San Francisco, CA
The big topic at the Foundation Summit will be the impact of efficient architectures on scaling edge AI, especially in light of the recent computing shortage.

Track I:
Computing Architecture and Frameworks
This foundational track explores the optimized computing architectures, hardware, systems, and infrastructure required to enable high-performance edge AI. We will cover the evolution of computing, accelerating AI/ML with specialized hardware, and refining architectures for localized data-centric edge intelligence, and new web primitives.

Track II:
Models, Learning, and Inferencing
This track dives deep into innovations in model development, distributed training techniques, and optimization for efficient on-device inference. Sessions will explore democratizing access through open model development, federated learning for on-device personalization, multi-party computation for private inferencing, and collaborative training methods.

Track III:
Data Privacy, Cryptography, and Humanity in the Age of AI
This encompasses machine learning, privacy, identity, and the ethical implications of edge AI. Sessions will explore zero-knowledge proofs and homomorphic encryption to enable private on-device ML. We will also discuss identity, biometric authentication, and the rights and responsibilities of advancing AI.
09:00AM-10:00AM Breakfast and Networking
10:00AM-10:15AM Welcome Address
Track I Computing Architectures and Frameworks
10:15AM-10:30AM AI and the Open Web
Lightning Talk Evan Miyazono (Head of Research, Protocol Lab)
10:30AM-11:00AM History of Computing & Next Frontier
Panel Raymond Liao (Managing Partner, Samsung NEXT), Rob Reid (New York Times Bestselling Sci-fi Author)
Moderated by Max Webster (Founder, Hivemind Venture)
11:00AM-11:30PM Deep Learning Decade - GPT4 and Beyond
Opening Keynote Lukasz Kaiser (Transformer Co-Inventor, Tensorflow Co-author, OpenAI)
11:30AM-11:45PM Distributed Infrastructure for Federated Learning
Lightning Talk Changyang He (Cofounder & CTO, FedML)
11:45AM-12:00PM GPU Market & Hardware Ecosystem
Lightning Talk Ben Fielding(Co-founder, Gensyn), Rishin Ssharma (Investor, Coinfund)
12:00AM-01:00PM Lunch
Track II Models, Learning, and Inferencing
01:00PM-01:30PM Value Capture in the AI Stack
Panel Avichal Garg (Managing Partner, Electric Capital), Chris McCann (General Partner, Race Capital)
Moderated by Ryan Cunningham (Senior Associate Builder, AI Fund)
01:30PM-01:45PM Building Context-Aware Reasoning Application
Lightning Talk Harrison Chase (Founder, Langchain)
01:45PM-02:00PM AutoML: Intelligently Automating Model Building
Lightning Talk Gerald Friedland (Principal Scientist at AWS, Adjunct Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley)
02:00PM-02:15PM Efficient Traianing & Model Optimization
Lightning Talk Konstantine (Sequoia Capital), Michael Graczyk (Quilt Research)
02:15PM-02:30PM Federated Learning & Social Context Extraction
Lightning Talk Maksym Zavershynskyi (VP of Engineering, Near)
02:30PM-03:00PM Llama 2: Building Open Foundation models
Featured Keynote Sergey Edunov (Llama2 Co-author, Director of Engineering, Meta)
03:00PM-03:15PM Coffee Break
Track III Privacy, Cryptography, and Humanity in the Age of AI
03:15PM-03:45PM Machine Consciousness
Special Guest Joscha Bach (AI Researcher & Cognitive Scientist, Ex-Principal Engineer at Intel Lab)
03:45PM-04:00PM Applications of ZK in Machine Learning
Lightning Talk Yi Sun (Co-Founder, Axiom, Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago)
04:00PM-04:15PM Solving AI's Data Tracking and Reputation
Lightning Talk Bowen Wang (Head of Protocol, Near)
04:15PM-04:30PM Data Framework for LLM Applications: Train on Your Own Data
Lightning Talk Jerry Liu (CEO, LlamaIndex)
04:30PM-04:45PM A Tale of Code LLM and GPU-Poor
Lightning Talk Michele Catasta (VP of AI at Replit, Ex-Head of Applied Research at Google X)
04:45PM-05:15 PM Builder, Governance, Model, Incentives
Lightning Talk Divya Gupta (Builder & Advisor), Ranvir Rana (Witness Chain), Moderator: Saneel Sreeni (Origin System)
05:15PM-05:30PM Closing Address